Carbon film resistor
Product model:1W/2W/3W
Product origin:YT/GJ/TY
Release date:2023-05-12
Number of views:times
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Carbon film resistor is a kind of electronic component, which is composed of a thin film covered on a ceramic or glass substrate, and then coated with carbon material to form a resistance device. Carbon film resistors are widely used and can be used in circuits of various electronic devices.

The main function of the carbon film resistor is to provide a stable resistance value, because the resistance value of the carbon film resistor does not change greatly with the change of temperature. In addition, the carbon film resistor also has the advantages of small size, low power supply, high precision and good temperature stability. These characteristics make carbon film resistors an essential electronic component in modern circuits. Some disadvantages of the carbon film resistance are: not high enough accuracy (lower than the metal film resistance), high temperature resistance is weak.





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