Integrated inductance is a type of chip inductance, belonging to the shield inductance, which is made of integrated die casting. The type of power inductors is slightly more complicated, because some power inductors may belong to the chip inductor, and some power inductors may belong to the magnetic ring inductor. This also leads to a certain "difficulty" when comparing it with the integrated forming inductor. We combine the characteristics of the two, from a conventional perspective to give you a comparative introduction:
(1) current size: The current of the integrated forming inductor can be larger than the power inductor;
(2) Sensing value size: the sensing value of the integrated forming inductor can be smaller than that of the power inductor, such as: the sensing value of 1uh can also be done.
3) Core material: the core powder formula of the integrated forming inductor is richer than that of the power inductor;
(4) Manufacturing process: From the name of the two, it can be seen that their manufacturing process is completely different. Integrated molding is the body and winding into the magnetic powder after stamping, low power that is wound after the production of sealant.
(5) Shielding effect: the shielding effect of the two inductors is not the same, in general, the shielding effect of the integrated forming inductor is better;