Stacked inductance
Product model:0402/0603/0805/2520
Product origin:Shun Luo/Fenghua /TDK
Release date:2023-05-12
Number of views:times
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Laminated inductors are also non-wound inductors, and laminated inductors are one of the inductors classified according to their different structures.

Laminated inductance characteristics:

1. Small overall size.

2. Closed circuit, no interactive interference, suitable for high-density installation.

3. Non-directional, standardized automatic mounting profile.

4. Excellent weldability and welding resistance, suitable for flow welding and reflow welding.

Laminated inductor applications:

At present, the product is widely used in notebook computer digital TV, digital video recorder, list machine, hard disk drive, personal computer and other general consumer and computer main products on the input and output line noise elimination.

Laminated inductor: has good magnetic shielding, high sintering density, good mechanical strength, compared with the winding inductor: small size, conducive to the miniaturization of the circuit, magnetic circuit closure, will not interfere with the surrounding components, will not be interfered by the surrounding components, conducive to the high-density installation of components; Laminated integrated structure, high reliability, good heat resistance, good weldability, regular shape, suitable for automatic surface installation production. The shortcomings are low pass rate, high cost, small inductance and small Q value.

In general, the laminated inductor can not see the line, the laminated inductor has good heat dissipation and the ESR value is smaller.





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