In-line electrolytic capacitor
Product model:25YK1000 10YK220 25YK220 25YK1000 25YK2200
Product origin:JWCO/ chongx/Chongx
Release date:2023-05-12
Number of views:times
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Electrolytic capacitors have polarity. Why do they have polarity?

In general, electrolytic capacitors are used in direct current circuits and cannot be used in AC.

It is for this reason that a distinction in polarity is necessary.

Where distinctions are made in parts, they may be made as noted below:

The long side of the guide pin terminal is the positive terminal ○+ the short side of the guide pin is the negative terminal ○

Casing Indicates a casing label. A thick black line indicates a negative electrode.

The material differences are noted as follows:

Aluminum foil: Aluminum foil has formed aluminum foil and non-formed aluminum foil.

Foil: Used on the positive electrode.

Refers to the aluminum foil can be incised voltage, according to the specifications of the voltage used foil is basically distinguishable.

Unformed foil: Used on the negative electrode

Unformed foil is not formed aluminum foil, in other words, it can not be incised voltage aluminum foil.

Why is electrolytic paper used

Electrolytic paper: 1 Sandwiched between the formed foil and the unmelted foil, it is used as an insulation, in other words, to prevent the short circuit of the positive foil and the negative foil.

2 Adsorption retention electrolyte.

What other materials and parts are used for

The electrolyte can be said to be the driving electrolyte, which is a mixture of several drugs, and can be distinguished according to the voltage, temperature characteristics and varieties of capacitors used.

After the rubber is rolled, the seeds are soaked into the aluminum shell with an impregnating electrolyte. If left in the air, the soaked drug will evaporate. Because of this, the seeds are put into the aluminum shell, covered with rubber, and the aluminum shell is fastened tightly.





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